Monthly Archives: June 2005


While we were busy with the show we did get to sighsee for about five minutes!

Food was great!

Heather getting ready enjoy Blood Sausage

Great pork!

Really good

a great eatery

Weird how they advertise their meat stores…..

a quick stop….

a building

cool they got cowboy boots!

made a few cool images

an old market


The opening date of the Gallery 65 is the 11th of June, soon after the vernissage which will take place on the 9th of June.
The address of the gallery is as follows: Bema St., no 65/8; building A; 01-244 Warsaw; Poland.


Stephanie at show

Tom and his Dad

tom and his teacher Leonard Karpilowski

tom and band

tom and his mum and dad

the movie

the wine girls by nick darcy


what i saw…..

DMK and Hugon

dmk jolanta fajkowska vid tv edward j. kulakowski us embassy

Tomasz’s Father

dmk and tomasz and joanna bancerowska pr person

andrzej roslonski and dorota nowakowsica journalist zycie warszawy newspaper with dmk

dmk and tomasz on stage

dmk heather and lady krystyna outside show

journalist tvp polonia Grazyna Olejniczak

kenjasan the didgeridoo player

lady krystyna

Magdalena Pawlak dmk by nick darcy

photographer nick darcy in middle

mr trzcinski owner of fabrtica trzciny getting his book signed

on stage

renata with marta’s parents and marta


Some of the People who made this all Possible

Tomek Niewiadomski Photographer and co-exhibitor

Marta Zawistowska our good friend and guide

Piotr Dymkowski Tomasz’s right hand man

Marcin Herman our book printer

the Crew in front of Tomasz’s studio and gallery

June 6, 2005 Warsaw Poland PHOTOS

June 6, 2005
Hotel Le Regina
Warsaw Poland

Flying into Warsaw Poland (sung to flying into Los Angelessss by Arlo)

Heather’s first morning in Warsaw

working on the journal

Ready for First encounter

Here comes Heather

Marta and Tomasz waiting in lobby

Polish Show Warsaw Poland


Some of the Press happenings it was amazing we did at least 3 interviews everyday!!!

“One Passion Two Visions” press party

wojtek wieteska heather matgosia sikora dmk tom tomek sikora jacek poremba

hugon bukowski swiat elit magazine

shooting hugon outside gallery

interview with hugon

the girls from A4 magazine

dmk and jolanta fajkowska vid tv

dmk malgosia sikora dorota nowakowska zycie warszawy newspaper

dorota fredro-bonieck polski radio BIS

dorota fredro-bonieck polski radio BIS

dorota fredro-bonieck polski radio BIS

dorota nowakowsica journalist zycie warszawy newspaper matgosia sikora interperator

Gala magazine Zofia Micyk

Heather shooting us being shot

Patrycja MichalakTVN

Patrycja MichalakTVN

suckes magazine Agnieszka Prokopowicz

Tom interview TV4

Tom in makeup

TVP KULTURA Polish National TV

TVP Panorama News Elzbieta Kapkowska

TVP Panorama News Elzbieta Kapkowska


All photos are by Lukasz Krol except the one of Lukasz. He owns copyright and has kindly allowed us to use them He can be reached at:

Photogrqapher Lukasz Krol by DMK or HH

On stage with Jolanta Fajkowska of vid tv

Tom speaks

So much attention!

Shooting Tom

Andrzej Swietlik Polish photographer

Jolanta Fajkowska vid tv interviews DMK

Polish Photographer Jacek Poremba

Polish Photographer Jacek Poremba

The “Stage”

Flowers, no less!

Another interview

TV4 interview

tom playing didgeridoo

Wojciech Trzcinski, Jolanta Fajkowska, David Michael Kennedy, Tomasz Niewiadomski, Leonard Karpilowski

Polish Billboards

Had no idea this was happening but arrived in Poland and on the way from the airport I saw the first one of Debbie! There are more and as I find them will post them. Great time in Poland but no time to write now.

Me and Debbie on way from airport
Photo of Billboard by Heather

Detail of above
Photo of Billboard by Heather

Rachel Rosenthal
Photo of Bill Board by Tomek Sirora

Another Debbie
Photo of Bill Board by Tomek Sirora

Tomek Niewiadomski and me with Iggy
Photo by Heather

Another Iggy
Photo of Bill Board by Tomek Sirora

Photo on billboard by Tomek Niewiadomski
Photo of Bill Board by Tomek Sirora

Photo on billboard by Tomek Niewiadomski
Photo of Bill Board by Tomek Sirora

Photo on billboard by Tomek Niewiadomski
Photo of Bill Board by Tomek Sirora