March 2, 2004 Santa Fe, NM

After the house sold  I spent too many days packing and loading the big yellow monster and the Airstream to the top (yep even after two estate sales and one huge dumpster I still have too much stuff), we were off to Omaha.
It was sad leaving David Marks behind. In the last few weeks he had become part of the family and without his help we wouldn’t be here today- at least not here and nearly as sane. Thanks again Dave we will see you down the road. On a snowy Tuesday morning I left Santa Fe behind and headed north, up to Boulder to see my son, Jesse at school at Naropa. Then eastward across the Plains on Interstate 80 toward Omaha. Through the snow, rain hail and missed pee stops the three of us pushed on. Scott, behind the wheel of the big yellow monster while I were snug in the cab of the dodge. The photographs of the Land Yacht on the front page of the website are Scott’s images as he followed us into the heartland of America. Scott, I still see those tired somewhat stressed eyes in my mirror and at night the wind begins to sound like your voice ever whispering in my ears “aho David I really gotta pee.” Thanks brother with out you we would not be here. Aho Scott!

Loaded and ready to go