August 29, 2005 Bemidji KOA Bemidji Minnesota

August 29, 2005
Bemidji KOA
Bemidji Minnesota

Crazy 24 hours…
After leaving Sal’s we headed north again on HWY 2 and arrived in Bemidji Minnesota in late afternoon. Of course we stopped at the statue of Paul Bunyan and Babe the blue ox. Then off toward the Red Lake Res. The countryside is so great and I was excited about finding a camp site unhooking and getting out on some back road to shoot. Stopped at a few places on the res. but no camp sites so we headed back toward Bemidji and the KOA. More than centrally located enough to head out and explore. BUT after one of our stops we realized my wallet was gone! Knew right where it fell out of the car and rushed back but no wallet. After speaking to motor vehicles and the other ID producing outfits, that seem to have a great control over our lives, it looked like after all the time trying to get up here we were going to have to burn rubber so to speak back to New Mexico to get outfitted with new ID before we could continue the trip. Okay won’t bore you with the details of the last 24 hours but we ended up driving back to the res and posting reward signs and one right by the side of the road where I lost it. Sure enough tonight Lisa Stayely and Darilyn Cloud called and had found it. So off to Ed’s gas station we rushed to retrieve it. It was my wallet with everything in it. Hooka Hey! Lisa and Darilyn thank you!

So tomorrow thanks to these two lovely ladies I can start work.

Side bar: before we left Grand Rapids I had the opportunity to meet Mike Kenjlo of the Grand Rapids Barber Shop and the Grand Rapids Leather, Boot and Shoe Repair- both at 313 NE 3rd. Street in Grand Rapids
I called Mike at 11:30 on Saturday to see about having my boot healed, Literally.
He told me he closed at 12 but to come on in and he get em done. Spent an amazing 2 hours with him. First as a barber while he finished up his Saturday regulars and then as my shoe repair man. Let me tell you his shop is old world and he’s proud of his vintage barber chairs as well as the vintage tools in his leather/shoe shop. Never have I seen such care and quality work all done with great conversation. Almost cut my hair today…….

Darilyn Cloud DMK and Lisa Stayely
Aho, Mitakutye Oyasin

Mr. Mike Kenjalo

Mike’s workspace. It’s interesting how different all our workspaces are!

Mike’s shop in Grand Rapids MN

Paul Bunyan and Babe and Heather and Henery and David

you know your in Minnesota when the ice boxes look like this but where are the leaches????

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